Monday, March 20, 2017

Follow Your Dreams!! Dream Lilly Boutique

Last February, my mom took me to lunch for my birthday. I was sharing my hopes and dreams for the future, and that’s when my mom said, “So, why not? Go for it! God has already given you the ok!” As I started to cry and share my vision for Dream Lilly, my mom said, “Now, that’s what you need to blog about!”

She then started to tell me the story of Simon from Luke chapter 5. Simon had spent an entire night out at sea fishing. When morning fell, he was exhausted and had not one fish to show for all of his hard work. Jesus had just finished preaching on the shore of the Sea of Galilee and saw Simon. He asked Simon to push the boat back into the water. At this moment, Simon could have said no, I’m too tired, I’m angry, I have been out fishing all night and have nothing to show for it! Instead, Simon obeyed Jesus and pushed the boat out in the water. Jesus sat in the boat and continued to teach the crowds. When He was finished, He told Simon, “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.” Again, Simon could have said no, it’s not possible, I already tried. However, Simon responded, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.”  Simon couldn’t understand from his human perspective why he should try again BUT he was willing to obey the Lord! WOW! To me that is so awesome!! I would fall into self pity at this moment. Poor me, I didn’t catch any fish! Nothing ever works out! And then that’s when I hear from the Lord, STOP!

For almost the past 10 years, I have attempted numerous business adventures. Most ended with nothing to show for it, except a lot of hard work. For the past couple years, the Lord has placed a new idea on my heart. One I tried to run from, but again He has brought it back and this time given me the resources I need to get started. So, what makes this business idea so different from the rest? This time I am choosing to obey the Lord. In all honesty I am terrified, and my mind is filled with a lot of self doubt. However, like Simon, I believe God has a plan. Instead of doing this on my own, I am doing this one with HIM. This is when I am thankful my past opportunities failed. For now, I am choosing to hop back in the boat and obey the Lord!

On March 27th, one week from today, Dream Lilly Boutique will open! I have a love for fashion and making all women, no matter their age or size, feel confident!  I hope you feel my passion for this new business adventure, and most importantly the Holy Spirit working in me. Join me for the next week for inventory sneaks, and a look inside before my shop officially goes LIVE!!! I will continue to blog and share my love of home décor and fashion. I put it to the side to start the boutique, but I am so excited to be back and thankful for this new journey ahead!

Last but not least, thank you all so much for all of your love and support! I am beyond thankful for my husband, family, and friends who have encouraged me to hear from the Lord and follow my dreams!

Come follow Dream Lilly Boutique on Instagram so you can get the first look at our inventory, sales, events, and other exciting news before our grand opening!

Have a beautiful week!



  1. Awesome! I'm so EXCITED for you! Can't wait to come check it out!

    1. Thank you so much! It has been a whirlwind but I am very excited about this new journey!

  2. I can't wait! Consider me a customer! Much love! - Ash

  3. So happy for you ..Looking forward to seeing your beautiful works ....Jeannie
